Monday, July 20, 2009

You're here, so you might as well read it

Pardon the implied hostility of the blog title, I was going for attention grabbing, not bratty.

Considering the name of my blog, perhaps I should rename this entry the "Welcome and Occasion" post. Plus five to you if you get the joke there, if not, stick with me and I'll explain later.

So, here's my version of what every blogger does, the intro. I'll try to make it quick, without sounding like a ridic personal ad.

I'm married with a kid, in my early 30's, and I do the 9-5 thing at a local spa as a massage therapist. When HE's not doing the 9-5 thing, DH is an assistant minister at our church. Hence the name of the blog, church folk. That's us, and that's who we roll with.

So, for now, the idea is to use this as stress relief, and a means to connect with like minds. Also, don't be surprised if you find yourself laughing about somethings, to know me is to understand that I've got JOKES. God knew what He was doing when he made me, right?

Think on this, and have a good night-
A joyful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)

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