Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is this worth it, really?

Raise your hand if your church holds a men or women's day, or something along along those lines. You know what I'm talking about, those church "events" that seem to be more about color schemes and high pro guest speakers than anything else. OK, that looks to be about 90% of you, so you all can understand where I'm coming from with this. Have you ever really wondered what the point of doing that was? I have, and I've come to the kind of sad conclusion it's a method of fundraising for most churches. That in itself is kind of a weird thing to me, because it leaves me wondering if we as the Church have really grasped the "pernt" of tithing.

( there's a much more involved and intelligent discussion of tithing here and here.

Back to what I was saying... I was talking to my Mom this afternoon, and she was showing off a new suit she bought. FYI, I'm not hating, the suit was very cute, and she got a crazy good deal on it. She bought it because my father is being brought into their church as a deacon, and she had to have something to match the other deaconesses (sp?) Seriously, my otherwise level headed mother was agitated about whether or not someone might call her out for wearing green when the other ladies would be in powder blue. I love my mother to death, but I wanted to ask her if she was on a drill team, or a group of women wanting to support their husbands? (You'd think I'd know better at this point than to get in the middle of Black women and their church clothes, right?)

We get our heads so wrapped up around things that aren't major, and end up losing the peace of mind God said was ours for the taking.

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